easySun Franchise
The most complete and successful Franchising concept!
This is a very profitable and sustainable solution for young independent entrepreneurs with a small start-up capital.
Indeed, we created a completely innovative concept, based on the need for a personal and dedicated store.
We provide the easySun Education Academy so that each new partner does not need to have any experience on the subject.
EasySun undertakes its full theoretical and practical training, with its acclaimed Aesthetic Tanning Consultants.
Advantages of Collaboration with easySun
The advantages the partner gets with joining easySun is unquestionable, as the company takes care of being next to it and supports it every step of the way to success.
# EasySun guides him to select the most suitable point of operation.
# EasySun provides assistance in finding and training the right staff, as well as ongoing support and updating.
# EasySun helps to avoid major problems in the process of adopting new systems and methods, as the know-how and long experience of easySun ensure successful operation.
# EasySun supports it in marketing, advertising, promotion and public relations issues at both national and local level.
# EasySun has immediate delivery time and as a result Franchisee is not obliged to bind funds to stock retention.